Alternative Phone Numbers: Say no to 0844, 0845 & 0870 call costs!
With Alternative Telephone Numbers you can say no to 0844 call charges, say no to 0330 call costs, say no to 0345 call charges, say no to 0871 call costs, say no to 0845 call charges and say no to 0870 call costs - the easiest to use and most comprehensive database of phone numbers that are free or cheap to call alternatives to paid and premium rate telephone numbers like 0870, 0845, 0871 and 090 phone numbers. Just type in the number you want to find a lower cost replacement for and click "search" or use the links below to find the phone number you need.
Want to say no to 0844 call costs? In March 2008, a crackdown on 0844 mobile phone numbers was announced by the Office of Fair Trading. The regulator had found that call costs to 0844 mobile phone lines cost as much as 53 pence per minute from a landline - far higher than for calls to geographic numbers even though they are often charged at local rate. The government has now said that all companies using such numbers must heed this advice and ensure that customers wishing to call them receive accurate information about the cost of doing so before they ring, rather than after they have been put through - it's time to saynoto0844 call costs!
Want to say no to 0870 call costs? The cost of calling many 0870 numbers has more than doubled since the government released new guidelines on premium-rate telephone lines. Many 0870 numbers, which can cost up to 40p a minute from a BT landline, were deregulated by the government in 2005 and companies such as Friends Reunited and broadband providers like A&A and AOL use them to make their products appear cheaper than they are - it's time to saynoto0870 call costs!
Want to say no to 0330 call costs? 0330 calls are one of the biggest scams in Britain today. They trick millions into thinking they're getting a local call for local prices, while hiding the true charge until it's too late. They should be banned, but 0330 numbers compare well with 0800 and 0845 numbers, so may not be so easy to eliminate - it's time for consumers to saynoto0330 call charges!
Want to say no to 0345 call costs? An estimated 50 million calls a month to businesses end in a recorded message, saying "Welcome to 0345". Many people are unaware that the call they have just made will cost them up to 40 pence per minute. You may think that this doesn't sound too much, but if you work it out into an hourly rate for a full-time employee for example, it is far from trivial when compared with 02 rates. In criticising 0345 numbers, Communications Minister Ed Vaizey said: "With millions of phone calls being made every day to 03 numbers - many of which aren't even registered and only used by companies as billing or service numbers - ministers want more transparency on where people are calling so consumers can make informed choices about which numbers to call" - it's time for consumers to saynoto0345 call costs!
Want to say no to 0871 call costs? If you're like me, you've probably been given a 0871 number by your current broadband provider. The benefit is that it lets them phone customers - saving ring-around time and making call costs cheaper for those who can't be bothered with the hassle of having to dial an 0845 or 0870 number (which used to be common but now cost considerably more). However, chances are this won't actually turn out to save you any money at all. For example, I was recently given a BT Infinity 2 0871 number which will supposedly save me around £1/month compared to calling their main 0845 31 numbers (even though they apparently have more expensive "Premium Rate" lines for calls outside peak hours). Yet in reality my bills have been skyrocketing ever since. How? Well, a 0871 number is a premium rate number - it's no different to calling an 0870 or an 0845 from a consumer perspective - it's time for consumers to saynoto0871 call costs!
Want to say no to 0845 call costs? Do you get irritated when you phone a call centre and have to pay 0845 or other fancy numbers? Maybe you're being ripped off even more than the extra minutes on the call. Think about it: that expensive 0845 number is going to be using a premium rate line, where companies charge up to 40p a minute just for getting through to an operator. The company should be paying so much for their calls from calls centres that they can afford not to charge customers extra, yet they still do - it's time for consumers to saynoto0845 call charges!.
Want to say no to 0843 call costs? The number 0843 call rates may seem cheap to some, but they can come as a high price for many people. They should be avoided by those looking at ways to reduce their phone bill costs. Some 0843 numbers are subject to 'premium rate' charges which means that the cost of calls made from landlines and mobiles increase from normal call rates to premium or subscription fees. There is usually a significant difference between these two telephone tariffs and careful attention should be paid before calling any number that starts with 08. The British low-rate prefix (+44 7) does not incur such costs and is often just as easy to remember and use as 08 numbers - it's time for consumers to saynoto0843 call charges!
Want to say no to 0800 call costs? British Telecom's 0800 number should be called only as a last resort, MPs have said. The Home Affairs Committee said BT should do more to promote its 150 direct-dial option instead of pushing the 0800 line which provides callers with automated menu choices. "BT must do much more to encourage people to use the 150 service instead of their expensive 0800 numbers," he said. "Many people will not know this" - it's time for consumers to saynoto0800 call costs!