Alternatives to 0843 Telephone Numbers

Type in the 0843 number you want to find a lower cost replacement for and click "search" or use the 0843 links below to find an alternative to your 0843 phone number.

Phone numbers beginning with the 0843 code are referred to as "service numbers" and can cost 11p and up per minute to call from a landline and over 50p per minute to call from a mobile so you will be well-advised to find an alternative to these non-geographic 0843 phone numbers if possible.
Due to the fact that these 0843 telephone numbers can generate revenue for the business being phoned it means that these numbers are often used for services such as:
  • Support / help lines
  • Sports and concert ticket booking services
  • Holiday and travel bookings and enquiries
  • Conference call services

  • Want to say no to 0843 call costs? The number 0843 call rates may seem cheap to some, but they can come as a high price for many people. They should be avoided by those looking at ways to reduce their phone bill costs. Some 0843 numbers are subject to 'premium rate' charges which means that the cost of calls made from landlines and mobiles increase from normal call rates to premium or subscription fees. There is usually a significant difference between these two telephone tariffs and careful attention should be paid before calling any number that starts with 08. The British low-rate prefix (+44 7) does not incur such costs and is often just as easy to remember and use as 08 numbers.

    Several companies, including low-cost airlines, the Post Office and pizza delivery firms use 0843 numbers in an attempt to make their businesses appear cheaper than they are. Some people say that 0843 call costs should be avoided in order to save money on calls made from landlines and mobiles; the cost of calling these numbers may not always be displayed upfront when dialing them, so it is worth checking before calling any number that starts with 08 - it's time for consumers to saynoto0843 call charges!.

    Many 0843 telephone numbers are published directly onto websites without the benefit of warning messages, which can lead to visitors being hit with high charges if they do not read all terms and conditions. People looking for ways to reduce their phone bill costs should avoid such numbers where possible. Many companies who use these types of phone tariffs include airlines, pizza delivery firms, utility providers and the Post Office. People may say that 0843 numbers should be avoided in order to save money on calls made from landlines and mobiles; the cost of calling these numbers is not always displayed upfront when dialing them, so it is worth checking before calling any number that starts with 08.
    Many companies who use these types of phone tariffs do so in order to make their businesses appear cheaper than they really are. Some people say that 0843 numbers should be avoided in order to save money on phone call charges. The Alternative Telephone Numbers database will help you reduce phone charges and say no to 0843 call costs.
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